
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2020

Procedure Text (How To Do)

  Procedure Text Definition of Procedure Text Procedure text  is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. The Purpose of Procedure Text The purpose of procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something through a sequence of actions or steps. Feature of Procedure Text Usually Using the Simple Present Tense with the formula (S + V1) Imperative form / command form Using the verbs action, for example : make, take, boil, cook, Using temporal conjunctions, for example : First, then, next, after that, last Using conjunctions (conjunctions) to sequence activities, for example : then, while, etc. Use adverbs (adverbs) to state details of time, place, accurate method, for example : five minutes, 2 hours, etc. Using adverbs (adverbs) to express a stage or sequence, for example : for the second, the third, the last, etc. Type of Procedure Text Procedure text that describes how something works or how to use an instr...

Application Letter

Application Letter Hello guys, now I want to tell you about application letter. Definition of Application Letter Application Letter is a document use to apply for work.  This letter is ussually included with a resume containing additional information regarding the applicant's work ability and experience. Format Application Letter - Heading      In the section headings, you can provide detailed information about your identity. Such as name, complete address including city, province and zip code, telephone number and email. Then write the date of the letter on the next line. Don't forget the recruiter's name, title and recruiter's full address. - Subject      By writing the name on the subject, the recruiter will be clearer about what name and position you will take. - Greeting      Start writing an application letter with a greeting or greeting. For example, Dr / Mr / Mrs. However, if you don't know the recruiter's name, you can writ...

Caption Text

Caption Text Hello, today I want to tell you about caption text. What is a caption text? Caption text is brief description, heading, or title that identifier or introduces a document, graphic, photograph, or table. Generic structure of caption The title The lead Section Heading Language Features Exclamation Question Adjective Phrase Personal Phrase What is the caption function? Helping readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos. Rule of Writing a caption? Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question) User present tense on the first sentence Caption are written in a complete sentences Clearly identify the people and location in the photo Identify the person from left to right How to a write caption text? Observe the picture or video you will give the caption Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write caption Write sentence or phrase under the picture Example So, that's the example of caption text. You...